
Mini-workshop on D(*)τν and related topics Nagoya University, March 27-28, 2017

The World Research Unit for Heavy Flavor Particle Physics, Nagoya University, will host a mini-workshop dedicated for B→D(*) τ ν and related topics, such as B decays with τ(s) or missing energies in the final state, at Nagoya, Japan, on March 27 and 28, 2017. The idea of the workshop is to review the most recent results on B→D(*) τ ν, and also B→ τ ν, from Belle, BaBar, LHCb, theory status in terms of both SM and NP, technical issues in measurements (including background modeling etc.). We also discuss future prospects and interplay with direct searches (charged Higgs for example) at LHC.

Mini-workshop Organizing Committee;
Toru Iijima (chair), Alessandro Gaz, Tim Gershon, Junji Hisano, Peter Krizan, Kodai Matsuoka, Makoto Tomoto, Karim Trabelsi, Phillip Urquijo.

This workshop is supported by
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) "Probing New Physics with Tau-Lepton" (No. 26220706) and
Program for Promoting the Enhancement of Research Universities, Nagoya University.

42 people including 25 from abroad participated the workshop.


Copyright © World Research Unit
for Heavy Flavor Particle Physics All Rights Reserved.


Mini-workshop on D(*)τν and related topics名古屋大学, 2017年3月27-28日

The World Research Unit for Heavy Flavor Particle Physics, Nagoya University, will host a mini-workshop dedicated for B→D(*) τ ν and related topics, such as B decays with τ(s) or missing energies in the final state, at Nagoya, Japan, on March 27 and 28, 2017. The idea of the workshop is to review the most recent results on B→D(*) τ ν, and also B→ τ ν, from Belle, BaBar, LHCb, theory status in terms of both SM and NP, technical issues in measurements (including background modeling etc.). We also discuss future prospects and interplay with direct searches (charged Higgs for example) at LHC.

Mini-workshop Organizing Committee;
Toru Iijima (chair), Alessandro Gaz, Tim Gershon, Junji Hisano, Peter Krizan, Kodai Matsuoka, Makoto Tomoto, Karim Trabelsi, Phillip Urquijo.

This workshop is supported by
JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (S) "Probing New Physics with Tau-Lepton" (No. 26220706) and
Program for Promoting the Enhancement of Research Universities, Nagoya University.

42 people including 25 from abroad participated the workshop.


Copyright © World Research Unit
for Heavy Flavor Particle Physics All Rights Reserved.